Casino Influencer

Casino Influencer using social media are seeing a strong rise to fame a point often overlooked by many operators.

In todays world of everchanging trends one group has become undeniably a driving force within the Online gambling industry. We are talking about the stellar rise of social online casino influencers. What role are they playing within the players community? What are the advantages of influencers in Gaming? And many other interesting facts we would like to present to you, the end consumer. Click HERE to engage with our streamer of the month and read our Casino return streamer review.

Influencers in Gambling

Since the meteoric rise of social media platforms a group of people have adapted and have moved away from fashion, sport and food to Online gambling. Influencers in marketing are nothing new and previously were often sports Icons or musicians promoting their products publicly. But times have moved on and since most of us are in possession of mobile phones and internet, a significantly higher number of influencers have stepped up their game into promoting online gambling products. This sort of endorsement of a brand has opened the door for the good, the bad and the ugly, in other words, influencer in todays time have to take their part in responsible gaming too. Therefore lets have a look at some of the advantages of influencers in gambling and maybe some challenges and often concerns we can discuss.

Advantages of Influencers in Gambling

The following points of advantages are making influencers generally speaking an outstanding marketer:

  • Influencer are raising the brand awareness. Their role in promoting a good brand is particularly important since followers built trust on recommendations and are more likely to engage with the brand
  • Expertise and experience are two vital points. Influencers are usually more knowledgeable about a brand or product. Building up credibility and trust will engage more followers to test a promoted brand or product. For example, a famous sports personality promoting in his or her channel a new series of sport shoe. With the result that the sales of this shoes with hit the roof , built on recommendation and the icon wearing the same shoes. Influencers are role models and followers can identify themselves or making statements by wearing the same brand.
  • Engagement and the power of identification. Influencer are often professionals themselves in their field or have gathered and shown a higher level of expertise. To illustrate this point lets have a look at influencers from sport, poker and football. Basket ball stars promoting a certain brand making him one of the first sport person to earn 500 mill in sales commission. Poker players in Las Vegas are invited and the courtship to get those top poker players in is staggering. A famous British football player has changed his hairstyle and as a result from that, young boys are flogging to the barbers too to identify themselves with it.

Challenges and Responsibilities

Casino marketing and Online casino platforms are regulated and not surprisingly a larger number not being regulated. What challenges are ahead for casino influencers and casino operators? The challenges ahead can vary, to point out a few:

  • Promoting online gambling in public is often a red flag for some regulators and some countries such as Germany, Spain, Holland, parts of the US and GB have taken effective steps to know the enemy within. But time has shown, rather then to ban and throw a blanket of regulations over the players, its often more useful to engage with operators, to open a dialogue with honest intention to create a safer Gambling environment. Better the devil you know.
  • Influencer have responsibilities too, to safe guard their followers and the community from collaborations with Brand partners who are not willing to support Responsible Gambling and following market standards.
Whats ahead for influencers in Online Casino?

The future is social media is fast and colourful. Its expected that sooner or later a huge number will just disappear due to the overwhelming number trying to make a meaningful impact. The most important part and to emphasize the matter strongly, is keeping players safe with responsible gaming practices and ethically challenged influencers taking their important role in society serious. Taking in consideration the above, we feel its a bright future when all aspects are taken on boeard.